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I would like your thoughts on this one either yay or nay!

Thank you in advance and I would like to share an email I recieved from Skates (Icedancer) with her approval.

Because he's diabetic our doctor does a lot of testing every other month and this one test showed he had a 5 cm (2") tumor in the left part of the inside of his heart. They air lifted him to Sudbury ON to a heart hospital and they have done a lot of testing there. Now they will be airlifting him to Toronto to have a MRI and another heart Dr. there. They the 2 doctors, the one in Sudbury and his friend Dr in Toronto will decide what's to be done and if there in Toronto or Sudbury. He has not had any pain or symptoms or what's going on. So I drove over to Sudbury on Friday and stayed with one of our really good friends who even lives near the hospital. Visited a lot but then I drove home yesterday to be here at the house our kitties, my girls. You just can't also have your neighbors do all the work, but they are super people and will do anything for us. The girls sure are good company for me here and seem to sense something just isn’t right. They give me lots of attention. So when the 2 doctors decide what & where the surgery will be done then I'll go back down and our daughter who lives in Alberta will fly in to be with us. There are a lot of times that I'm doing OK but then there's times I'm down, but the doctor said to me that's really normal for such a serious thing. Our son is even expecting their first child anytime now and they live here in the Sault. So you can sure see why my mind is a little crazy now & why I'm so scared. So if you want to can let everyone know what's going on at this end.

I know you will join me in wishing them both only the best and do hope future news will be good. She is a dear, and sweet lady and I do miss her like I'm sure others on caedes do.

=^..^= sandi ♪


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