
  Rosie Red  

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Uploaded: 09/08/21 5:33 PM GMT
Rosie Red
Views: 106
Dlds: 34
Status: active

One from the friendship garden from a recent visit. They were still in bloom in August, and we were told that because of the rainfall we had earlier, they were still do very well.

I have to catch up on my comments, and might not get them all done but will try.

I'm leaving tomorrow for Lundington, Michigan, for a stay at a cottage that we reserved last year, but postponed the trip because of covid. I'm returning home on the 17th. of course covid is still a problem, so we will be careful.

I have plenty of masks, and sanitizer and at this time of the year, people are done for the most part with vacations.

Thanks for your comments, I do appreciate it.



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