
  Unicorn Plant  

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Uploaded: 07/12/19 12:58 AM GMT
Unicorn Plant
Views: 554
Dlds: 160
Status: active

That is the common name for this very unusual plant. This variety is Proboscidea Louisianaca. The plant is native to the American southwest and the Mexican Sonoran desert. Although, it was found in 2018 in a field in Maine after not being seen there since 1887 so it can grow in other than the desert. This is the flowering stage and all the little drops you see are the plant's essential oils. After the flowering stage it grows a large fruit that at the young stage can be cooked and eaten like okra. As the fruit grows it hardens and then splits in two so it looks like a claw hence it's other name Devil's Claw. It exudes a sticky substance that cause wildlife's feet to stick to it and consequently spread it's seed. This is my foofy for this week and also my entry for the contest.


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