
Welcome to Caedes, the Desktop Wallpaper and Artist Community

Caedes is a close community of artists, designers, and photographers who share their work through the medium of computer desktop wallpaper. Feel free to browse the galleries, comment on other's work, and even submit your own art when you're ready. Sign up for a free username to access all features.

Featured Images

The Virgin River by Sigrdrifa Contre jour by michelfr zebra barcode by SFDesigns
The Virgin River
Contre jour
zebra barcode
Mars by Crusader Pentas Lanceolata by trixxie17 City in the Sky by trumpeteer17
Pentas Lanceolata
City in the Sky
Low Tide by dmk Come Inside! by Paul_Gerritsen Pools of Liquid Gold... by photoimagery
Low Tide
Come Inside!
Pools of Liquid Gold...
titans by kodo34 Early Morning Sun by gerryp Reindeer V by samarn
Early Morning Sun
Reindeer V
A store's window by ppigeon Yellow by rob2001 4UU - 4 by RobNevin
A store's window
4UU - 4
86 regular members - 204683 total images - 6 new images today

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