
Pjsee16's Journal

Tree of Ecstatic Praise Uploaded: 05/09/21 9:11 PM GMT

Image: Tree of Ecstatic Praise

High on the mountainside in Crestone Colorado, the pines grow strong and close to the ground. This one is blazing at dusk.

Can Anyone Play? Uploaded: 05/08/21 11:54 PM GMT

Image: Can Anyone Play?

Early morning at the Cape Cod National Seashore....

Family Portrait Uploaded: 05/08/21 11:27 PM GMT

Image: Family Portrait

Great Mother Moose and her Offspring. Highlands National Park, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Observer at Dewpoint Uploaded: 05/08/21 3:51 AM GMT

Image: The Observer at Dewpoint

Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble in a stream; Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud, Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream; thus one should look upon the things of the world The Diamond Cutter's Sutra

Small Steps in the Great Expanse Uploaded: 05/08/21 3:19 AM GMT

Image: Small Steps in the Great Expanse

This rock on the shore some how recalls to me that famous first portrait of the earth hanging in space, and a quote from a man on the the faraway moon.

Waters of the Multiverse Uploaded: 05/07/21 3:18 AM GMT

Image: Waters of the Multiverse

Space and time are so vast that cosmologists now envision a multiverse, universes like our own but uncounted and unseen going on forever. Space and time have an ungraspable depth and expanse in these theories comparable to an ocean. Physicists talk of particles popping out of nothing in the quantum foam and speak of gravitational waves. Ancient and original peoples also framed their origin stories in terms of a cosmic ocean. In many A turtle swims to the bottom of the depths to find a bit of earth from which the known world is created.

Web of the Maker Uploaded: 05/07/21 2:52 AM GMT

Image: Web of the Maker

"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved" Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species I can't but help feel an awe or a sense of mystery in the architecture of the web, and whether one is a believer of intelligent design (theism) interdependent arising (Buddhism) or Evolution (Scientific Materialism) one can't help but appreciate the beauty of the spider's creation and the beauty in Darwin's final words from the "Origin of the Species."

Inscrutable Contentment Uploaded: 05/06/21 7:02 AM GMT

Image: Inscrutable Contentment

The great sea moves me, sets me adrift. It moves me like algae on stones in running brook water. The vault of heaven moves me. Mighty weather storms through my soul. It carries me with it. Trembling with joy. From Uvavnuk, A 19th century Inuit Women encountered by the Explorer Peter Freuchen.

Piping Plovers Uploaded: 05/06/21 6:49 AM GMT

Image: Piping Plovers

These runners require no expensive shoes but sprint rapidly with the expanding waves. Their expressive cheeping and their diminutive profile require extra care from human neighbors. See also: Piping Plovers Protected on Cape Cod. And Sound of the Plover

When I Listen to the Brook, I Am Never Lost Uploaded: 05/05/21 10:30 AM GMT

Image: When I Listen to the Brook, I Am Never Lost

Retreatants' path, Windhorse Retreat Center, New Germany Nova Scotia

Yes, And You Can Get There From Here Uploaded: 05/05/21 10:10 AM GMT

Image: Yes, And You Can Get There From Here

There used to be a more common expression here in Vermont...and known as a New England colloquialism : "You can't get there from here." This goes back I'm sure to before geo location, google maps, and even the interstate. If you are in a mental state that I find myself when meandering and taking photos the sentiment is decidedly wrong. The first step may in fact be getting lost, then one is frequently surprised and often grateful for whatever one finds.

Sun Salutation Uploaded: 05/04/21 9:42 AM GMT

Image: Sun Salutation

Yoga at 6 a.m. Cape Cod National Seashore

School for Wanderers Uploaded: 05/04/21 9:19 AM GMT

Image: School for Wanderers

The Alewives - Food to whales, seabirds, and salmon. Bait to lobsterman and fisherman. Hard to believe that their numbers became so low that they were nearly deemed endangered. Now still considered a species "of concern." They spawn in the rivers and migrate back to the ocean. Many wind up on the beach. The birds seem more interested in those in the water of which there were many. There was no smell and the tide seemed to bring and wash away fresh multitudes. See also: Cape Cod Spawning

The Scream Uploaded: 05/03/21 9:13 AM GMT

Image: The Scream

(After Edvard Munch) What resides in the inner life and psyche of the seal? Who is to know...perhaps terror and pain at the loss of a companion to a great white shark...which has become a more common occurrence. In this case the portrait might be more accurately entitled:"The Great Yawn."

The Chipmunk Uploaded: 05/03/21 8:58 AM GMT

Image: The Chipmunk

He's industrious but rather high strung. He's gregarious but shy. He moves fast, talks fast, and has a fast paced life style. He's hypervigilant but notices small details. He can sit still for a long time as he did for this picture. He is a bit nervous and a bit obsessive but a pretty likeable fellow.

Fiddlehead Ferns Uploaded: 05/02/21 1:10 PM GMT

Image: Fiddlehead Ferns

No surer sign of spring in Vermont. From my walk yesterday at Niquette State Park near Lake Champlain. Though it snowed only last week, and I only saw this one plant, spring is definitely here to stay. The forest floor is lavish with trillium in white and red as well.

A Moveable Feast Uploaded: 05/02/21 12:48 AM GMT

Image: A Moveable Feast

A Humpback Whale feeds at the Stellwagen Bank near Provincetown MA. The Humpback opens his mouth expanding it and filling it with water. He captures his meal in his baleen which are like filters where the fish are caught. Do they pause to say grace? Likely their continual motion is an expression of gratitude and joy. I can imagine no greater expression of exuberance than when a whale breaches, the whole body leaping from the water. I've seen but not caught this.

Mary Oliver's Pond Uploaded: 05/01/21 1:43 PM GMT

Image: Mary Oliver's Pond

Blackwater Pond is where Poet Mary Oliver did much of her wandering and writing. The Pond is a part of The Beech Forest Trail in The Cape Cod National Seashore. For more on Oliver check out the Radio Program On Being: Listening to the World.

Light Step, Subtle Grace Uploaded: 05/01/21 1:20 PM GMT

Image: Light Step, Subtle Grace

Somewhere in a quiet wood behind the Windhorse Retreat Center, New Germany, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Idyllic Path of the Beachcomber Uploaded: 04/30/21 9:43 AM GMT

Image: The Idyllic Path of the Beachcomber

(Roaming across the sand in Wellfleet MA USA) - Salt pond to one side, dunes and beach to the other. Will I arrive at last like the driftwood on the beach? Or ascend virtually into the clouds with my joy? I exhale with every tide and am flying with the spray.