
Pjsee16's Journal

In This Together Uploaded: 06/11/21 12:46 AM GMT

Image: In This Together

Cape Cod National Seashore, Truro, MA USA

The Social Life of the Single Seal Uploaded: 06/11/21 9:24 AM GMT

Image: The Social Life of the Single Seal

"Was it Something I Said?"
Truro MA, USA

Early Morning Swim Uploaded: 06/10/21 9:34 AM GMT

Image: Early Morning Swim

There are several advantages to the early morning excursion: no competition for bathrooms, easy parking, beat the crowds, as most are still sleeping.

Road to Nowhere Uploaded: 06/10/21 1:39 AM GMT

Image: Road to Nowhere

Actually leads to Gampo Abbey, Buddhist Monastery in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, CA. You may feel like you are nowhere though, if you follow directions correctly.

Dawn of the Ceaseless Wanderers Uploaded: 06/09/21 12:25 AM GMT

Image: Dawn of the Ceaseless Wanderers

Cape Cod National Seashore, Truro, MA USA

Sky Trail Uploaded: 06/08/21 9:02 AM GMT

Image: Sky Trail

Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky.
Ojibwe saying
(photo from the Skyline Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada)

God of the Meadow Uploaded: 06/08/21 8:59 AM GMT

Image: God of the Meadow

"I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain'd,
I stand and look at them long and long."

Walt Whitman

Biophilia Uploaded: 06/07/21 11:33 AM GMT

Image: Biophilia

"we are in mute, incontrovertible partnership with the photosynthetic organisms that feed us, the gas producers that provide oxygen, and the heterotrophic bacteria and fungi that remove and convert our waste. No political will or technological advance can dissolve that partnership"
Biologist Lynn Margulis

Shorebird Sky Lounge Uploaded: 06/07/21 11:25 AM GMT

Image: Shorebird Sky Lounge

"If you do not expect it, you will not find the unexpected, for it is hard to find and difficult."
Greek Philosopher  Heraclitus
The owner of this surf board will certainly find the unexpected, although he may not appreciate it as Heraclitus does.

The Whale Watcher Uploaded: 06/06/21 3:00 PM GMT

Image: The Whale Watcher

Oh, the rare old whale, 'mid storm and gale, In his ocean home will be; A giant in might, where might is right, And king of the boundless sea.
Old Sea Chantey
Quoted in the preface of Melville's Moby Dick
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary,
Near Cape Cod MA,USA

From the Lip of the Mountain Uploaded: 06/06/21 1:27 PM GMT

Image: From the Lip of the Mountain

Step out of your house, which you know so well, Enormous space is near...
Rainer Maria Rilke
Translation by Robert Bly

As Above So Below Uploaded: 06/05/21 2:24 PM GMT

Image: As Above So Below

(Skyline Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada)
The Fashioner of things
Has no original intentions
Mountains and Rivers
Are Spirit condensed.

The Long View Uploaded: 06/05/21 12:22 AM GMT

Image: The Long View

Near Bristol, VT USA.
The meaning of "true" in the entire Earth is the "true human body" is the actual body. You should know that the entire earth is not our temporary appearance, but our genuine human body.

The Green Explosion of Quiet Joy Uploaded: 06/04/21 11:52 AM GMT

Image: The Green Explosion of Quiet Joy

"Cellular interliving, an infiltration and assimilation far more profound than any aspect of human sexuality, produced everything from spring green blooms and warm wet mammilian bodies to the earth's global nexus." Biologist Lynn Margulis Symbiotic Planet

Vermont Pastoral Uploaded: 06/02/21 11:11 PM GMT

Image: Vermont Pastoral

"When you walk across the fields with your mind pure and holy, then from all the stones, and all growing things, and all animals, the sparks of their soul come out and cling to you, and then they are purified and become a holy fire in you."
Attributed to a disciple of the Rabbi Baal Shem Tov as noted in Annie Dillard's For the Time Being

Bowing to the River's Gaze Uploaded: 06/01/21 11:06 PM GMT

Image: Bowing to the River's Gaze

"The meaning of life is to see."
Zen Master Hui Neng

Aspirants to an Unpredictable Wind Uploaded: 06/01/21 10:20 PM GMT

Image: Aspirants to an Unpredictable Wind

Has this Great Egret  found her sacred place? She best not get too close. She can send her aspirations on the  wind.

How I Learned to Soar Uploaded: 05/31/21 5:19 PM GMT

Image: How I Learned to Soar

5 yrs. old. My father's hand reassuringly against my back. My feet straining toward the clouds. Higher! Faster! Higher! All I could do, almost leaping, believing that the sky belonged to the Swing.

Hieronymus Dragonfly Uploaded: 05/31/21 5:09 PM GMT

Image: Hieronymus Dragonfly

They fly with a wild abandon and make surreal clicking noises. When I was a child some of the boys called them knitting needles and said they could sting worse than a bee because they could sew into your arm. They were nevertheless an object of amazement and fascination. No wonder someone named these fantastical creatures after Dragons.

The Gates Thrown Open Uploaded: 05/30/21 9:15 PM GMT

Image: The Gates Thrown Open

"the great floodgates of the wonderworld flung open."
Herman Melville, Moby Dick
It's what contributors to Caedes share every day.