
Contest Results: Vintage / Antique

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 01/08/15 11:15 PM GMT
Winner: Jimbobedsel (See the full results)

1st place
Afternoon Drive by Jimbobedsel

Ramad: Also it all looks still older in B/W. Nice capture and an ideal entry Jimbob.

0930_23: I knew it was the winner when you posted in JimboB.


(Viewed Full Screen-again)

Jimbobedsel received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Vintage Valentines by trixxie17

gonedigital: I imagine you've bought these antiques out of protective storage Kathy. The cards and overall scene is authenticity arranged, I'm sure it would make your mother in law smile!
A very good entry Kathy.

trixxie17 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Fire Engine Red by jerseygurl

luckyshot: Beautifully captured, Laura.

corngrowth: Congrats Laura for your 3rd place in the the Vintage/Antique contest.

mirto56: Way to go, Laura! Congrats on 3rd place!

mirto56: She's a fine looking firetruck and your photo in this setting is perfect. I used to love visiting Cape May when I lived in Joisey. Good luck in the contest, Laura.

4th place
Beer Wagon by 0930_23

corngrowth: ---You better grab a cold one fast, in case they take it down---

Tick, for some of my former crew members, a cold one was, from time to time, even more important than two slices of bread. Hope that the COC-committee will realize this, lol. To me your image is 'nostalgia pur sang', so a good entry for the contest.

Good Luck Owd Fella.

5th place
Vintage Beamish! by Dunstickin

Starglow: The sepia work is really becoming to this photo. Enter it in the contest, sure to be a winner.

corngrowth: Congrats Bob for your 5th place in the the Vintage/Antique contest.
Hope this is helpful to cheer you up Owd Mucker.