
Contest Results: What Is It?

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 03/08/13 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: roxanapaduraru (See the full results)

1st place
Waves by roxanapaduraru

LakeMichigan: Not sure what it is but it's a great shot and contest entry . Good Luck.

LakeMichigan: Congratulations on winning the contest .
Great entry.

ekowalska: Congratulations on winning the contest!

LANJOCKEY: Hello Roxana....You have captured a wonderful picture that gets ones imagination going into overdrive...I love the smooth flow of the curves and the use of light against dark,this is where,you the photographer has come into play,you have created something unusual out of an everyday object....Well done....All the very best to you Roxana.........Mick.

roxanapaduraru received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
What It Is by Eubeen

Fifthbeatle: Are you following me? Does my lunch now have to be broadcast on this site?

Stop the insanity!

solita17: lol@ Dan... Some sort of fungus? Mushroom? Oozing some sort of... never mind... ;-)

Starglow: I have an idea about it, but I'll wait to see if I'm right. Cool photo.

Eubeen received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Bright & Bold by Nikoneer

Cherry79: Pretty sure it's a set of door bells. You know, the kind that ring when a door is opened. lol This is a really cool shot. I'm gonna guess taken with a prime lens considering the depth of field. :-)

tigger3: I have no idea, a very good contest entry Nik.
Tigs♥ =^..^=

4th place
Wooden __________? by Fifthbeatle

tib: Very nice find and entry Dan. Awesome texture.

tigger3: Good one Dan! I think I see Marsha's teeth marks! :)=^..^=tigs

Fifthbeatle: Bingo! I'll have your trophy engraved when I get paid on the 1st.

Did the teeth marks on the wood give it away?

5th place
a puzzle by ekowalska

captaindrewi: Something unearthly,it's very good whatever it is.

icedancer: Excellent entry and Good Luck. I think it's the hind end of a Rhino myself

ekowalska: Thank you for your comments. Most of you were right, but Pat (icedancer) hit the nail on the head sayng it's "the hind end of a Rhino". Greetings from Ewa