
Contest Results: What Is It?

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Ended 03/08/13 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: roxanapaduraru (See the full results)

1st place
Waves by roxanapaduraru

koca: Unusual and beautiful post, very nicely presented. Very good composition. Good luck.

ekowalska: Congratulations on winning the contest!

rvdb: Congrats on your win lovely work.


Nikoneer: I don't believe it's plywood; there's only three layers per unit and I'm not seeing any cross-grain in any of the layers. It's either a sculpture created from stacks of contour-cut laminated sheets of wood, or someplace where these forms have been fabricated and stacked, waiting for delivery. Or... it could be something that completely escapes me, which is normally the case.

roxanapaduraru received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
What It Is by Eubeen

gizmo1: Well Wendell I believe it to be a superb macro photo of your tongue first thing in the morning lol.No is it water droplets on fungi if not it I don't have a clue but I will say thank for getting my imagination going again and the is a great looking photo with lovely textures and great sharp detail my friend.

Eubeen received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Bright & Bold by Nikoneer

rvdb: Have no idea what it is but color and compostition spot on.


Cherry79: Pretty sure it's a set of door bells. You know, the kind that ring when a door is opened. lol This is a really cool shot. I'm gonna guess taken with a prime lens considering the depth of field. :-)

4th place
Wooden __________? by Fifthbeatle

questjester: I'm going to guess that a cognizant colony of rust got ahold of wood and nails and built themselves a condo.

The structure is obviously ... rustic! (Ba-dum-bumb)

rvdb: Congrats on your win.


Flmngseabass: Congratulations Dan on fourth place in the contest. Lobster trap huh???? Cool image:)

5th place
a puzzle by ekowalska

LakeMichigan: Congratulations on your contest placement.
Great entry.

captaindrewi: Something unearthly,it's very good whatever it is.

Fifthbeatle: Good close up! my first thought is a rino, as well

Inkeri: Some animal,i think..A Fantastic photo and entry..