Rockwood, Ontario Canada. The effects of glacial run off is still seen in the curious shaping of sedimentary limestone. The gentle curves caused by the flowing water create ground formations known as glacial potholes.
Thank you for the kind feedback, encouragement and welcoming words.
I owe my wife credit for this photo.. We were out on a hike in a favourite spot when she noticed the vista and called me back with the lure of "here's a great shot". She has a wonderful eye, I just carried the camera and pushed the button. :)
what is that red tint on the right sides of all the branches? it cant be chromatic abberation from the lens can it? was this right at sunset or something?
Carl, concerning the red tint on the branches... Most of the trees in the picture are Red Cedar conifers. If you look carefully at the tree in the centre of the picture you'll see that it's pretty much growing out of side of the vertical rock face. This is a fact, not an illusion.
I'm far from a tree expert but we have a lot of cedar around our home. It goes through a normal seasonal change called "flagging". Portions of interior leaves on healthy branches or leaves on distressed branches die off. The dead portion of the leaf turns a rusty to rusty-red color. You'll see this throughout the trees in the late fall and winter. It falls off, carpeting the ground under the trees, by spring. See also my photo "It is a limb, yes" for an example of the cedar carpet bound in ice.
Concerning the sharp edge on the red cedar at the waters edge, this likely indicates the branch was underwater (and died) before the level of the lake was lowered for the winter. Some of the red on the rocks is fall foliage from nearby maple trees.
The picture was taken mid-afternoon on an overcast day, no retouching.
Pierre. It is a wonderful country and we remain willing to share. I trust the destination was as pleasing as the journey. When you come again ... PM me .. and I'll show you and your camera some sites.
Your work is soooo beautiful. I take most are for Canada. Such a beautiful place to live and visit. The dogs and I so enjoy all your work. So many place to take a good walk and enjoy natures beauty.
I hold it true that thoughts are things; They're endowed with bodies, breath and wings:
And that we send them forth to fill the world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought speeds forth to earth's remotest spot, leaving it's blessings or it's woes like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thought by thought for good or for ill, yet know it not.
Yet so the universe was wrought .
Thought is another name for fate.
Choose then thy destiny and wait, for Love brings Love and Hate brings Hate. - Henry Van Dyke.