
Artist Spotlight #17

Submitted by Piner 07/01/06 2:16 AM GMT

From deep in the bayou comes our latest artist to be spotlighted, caught like a gator in a flood light, I present to you xyccoc and his varied gallery.

Wow. I'm extremely honored to be the next AOTW. Many thanks to all you caedes members for the nomination and vast support. I can't say enough about how much it means to me.

I guess I'll start with a little bit about myself. I have lived here in Louisiana for all but one year of my life. I grew up in Lake Charles, LA. I attended LaGrange Senior High School with a heavy interest in Art. After some bouncing around the state, as well as the country, I ended up in the New Orleans area. Living here now for over 5 years, the area has truly become my home. Things have been rough here adjusting to life after Katrina, but are gradually returning to normal.

Art has been a big part of my life for quite a while now. Starting back to when I would do pencil drawings in class, where of course, I got into more than my share of trouble. I always found myself imagining and creating things. So when I finally made it to high school, I began taking Art classes. I learned new and interesting mediums, some of which I still dabble in from time to time. Pencil drawings, sculpting, watercolor painting, and a few others.

But the most dominant artistic presence in my life is music. I've been playing guitar for about 12 years now, and in bands for about 10. My current band, Option21, has been together for over 5 years now. We have recorded 2 CD's and are planning on our third here in the near future. And once I get off my butt, I'll have the new website up and running. So keep your eyes peeled. :]

Almost 4 years ago I happened to stumble across this website, which at the time, was very small. Roughly 100 members and only 12 or 13 pages of of total images. Still, it had some of the most interesting wallpapers I could find. So I signed up and began to look around. It was until a year and a half to two years ago, that I actually became really active on the site. Taking time to comment and really admire some of the wonderful artists and photographers here. Many of which are still highly inspirational to me. 3D work of Sam (Samatar), ChopinLives81, Fredrik (Frux), and others really got me interested in learning how to do art in that medium. It has become one of my favorite areas to work in. It definitely has been the most responsive artform I've worked with. Mainly, my Amalgamate image. It has always been one of my favorite images of mine. The reaction it has received here has been humbling, to say the least. I am also pleased to say that it will be my first fullsized (32" x 24" ) print I will have made.

Photography has become a new passion for me. It has been something I've been interested in for quite some time, but never had the means to actually try firsthand. That is, until I bought my first camera. Though it's nothing special, I have done my best to push my little Sony Cybershot T-33 (just a small compact camera) as far as I can. Being a compact camera, it's rather hard for me to achieve the level of greatness I see here in many of the other members. Pierre (ppigeon), Reg (regmar), Phil (philcuk), Darryl (mayne), and so many others have given me both inspiration, as well as help and guidance, as I learn this incredible artform. I look forward to purchasing a new camera here in the next couple months and sharing with everyone whatever I may find.

So again, I thank each and everyone of you here at caedes for the continued support, guidance, encouragement, and most importantly.. your friendships.



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