
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Ideas for NEW CAEDES SITE


04/07/04 2:31 PM GMT
In this moment that someone have to work on new site i write here some mine new suggestions.

1.I know the Karma is something that mix a lot of different things, but i like to see in every profile also a position rank only from the votes received and a bonus as for example every 10 photos up to 80/100 a 50 points more.
2.Also for that i'd like to see for every photo a detailed list of who vote and how.Also couse someone vote but don't say how or don't post any comments.
3.The 10 or the 20 top ranking position have the Caedes membership free
4.The time left to the next uploading image (Caedes just told me is in his new project)
5.Miss the date when the photo is posted.
6.In the profile user i'd like to see a line where to describe which camera is used and which programs to edit the photo or to add effects
7.I'd like an advanced photo search with criteria as date, gallery and author
8.When i see the user online as in this moment i read 110 online but just under i can count only 42 and i'd like to see in order of login or in ranking order.
9.In the definitive Photogallery I don't know how sometimes some new photo access it just after few days and some other only after a long period.I'd prefer to see enter the photo just when the votes it up to 60/10 and cancelled from the news photo after 2 weeks under this result
10.I saw that every photo that have a vote today after 1 week can loose some points couse i thought nobody have to visit or vote.
11.I'd like to see a World gallery for every single user possibly with a little zoom to add more photos in one single city.
12.A Black and White gallery
13.An Adult gallery whit legal access and where the responsability it's only from who post the photos and not a Caedes responsability

If i'll think somenthing new i'll post here and please forgive me for my bad english
0∈ [?]


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