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Why should we be the only ones to suffer?

11/27/06 12:54 AM GMT
A friend of mine turned me onto weffriddles. Friday nite A1 and I were up for 5 hours wading through the 1st 30 or so levels.

Saturday morning, I got a phone call exactly FIVE minutes after I woke up… and left an hour or so later after we'd solved 2 or 3 more levels (not including the ones that lil pissant solved after I fell asleep), and then I had to threaten him HARD to make him stop solving til I got home earlier today.

We're currently 1/2way through level 45, but I figured misery loves company? Right? No need to thank me. No. Really. It was my pleasure 8•P

(If you talk or give hints in anything except VAGUE GENERAL TERMS you will be shot and sent to bed w/out dinner. Do NOT give away the answers… I mean come on… you had to suffer to get them, why would you deprive someone else of that pleasure? 8•P)
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One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"


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