
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> Voting Idea- Thrid_Eye's Idea and Noahnott's

Voting Idea- Thrid_Eye's Idea and Noahnott's

12/01/06 11:28 PM GMT
Third Eye's:

" about this, breaking the voting up into several categories? say.. 0-5 or whatever on technical merit, 0-5 on composition, and 0-5 on 'overall feel'..? ..." - Third_Eye


1) Each person votes 1-10 on the image, and a message to go along with it explaining why they got a 5, 10, etc.
2) Min of 5 votes per image now that voters have to write something instead of just pushing a button. For sllooowww dialup users, this would be a good thing.
3) After the minimum of 5 votes is achieved along w/ the messages, then a PM is sent to the author of the image showing all the messages, along with the c-index score recived.

Difference between this and Madmavin's idea is it's for all images, not just the 0-1's. And the difference between this and just putting up a suggestion is a) People are forced to say something...or at least somewhat are. b) It's a private message c) Tells the author why they get what they get rather than a "Good image" "Wow" "Nice" etc etc.

Also, people give better, more accurate voting scores...rather than open the image, stare at it for litterally 1 second, and give a quick number w/out thinking/looking at the image.
0∈ [?]


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