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Weed Hopper is done here

12/02/06 4:46 PM GMT
Sorry to be like this but the more I participate here the more discourage I get. There is so many different types of art here and all I'm interested in is photography. Yes, I dabbled into some of the other things to try and didn't really get into them. Don't get me wrong I don't mind checking out fractal and some other types of art here but I am limited to what I like. I'm a purist, that is how I was taught in photography class. When I joined here I thought there would be professional photographers grading our work. When I found out its everyone here I was disappointed. For the voting here I think its messed up. I go into the voting booth I get stuck voting on images I have no interest in what so ever, so I vote it high because I can’t be honest unless its in poor quality. I have uploaded some images here that took 1st place in a contest some where else and this contest is well respected by the professional photographers and here I get index at 40, then I did some looking and I found another image of basically the same thing but grainy and it indexed at 80. That to me is insulting that tells me people will vote high for there friends instead of being honest or don't know a bad one from a good one. This dishonesty or lack of knowledge of a type of art will give the artist the wrong impression and encourages them to continue creating things that are not so good. This site is suppose to help artist on how to improve. Or am I wrong about that? I apologize if I offended anyone.

I did however meet some awesome people here that a lone does make leaving here difficult but at the same time I need to find a site that's more into photography. I just don't have the time to spend here and another site. I do thank Caedes and all the staff for allowing me to experience this site, I did learn a few things and I do appreciate that. I request Caedes staff to please remove me for the members list 12-12-06 That way I have a little time to get e-mails from some of the people I have met here. Thank you and I wish you all the best.

Bill AKA Weed Hopper
0∈ [?]


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