

Discussion Board -> Photography -> Sigma & Tamron Lenses

Sigma & Tamron Lenses

12/21/06 7:17 PM GMT
I'm contemplating getting a new lens for my camera and am really interested in getting an ultra wide zoom (10mm - whatever). So, I went researching what lenses were available for my camera (Canon Digital Rebel XT aka the 350D) and found a few. The one Canon makes is pretty pricey and I could really justify spending that much (close to $1000). Went to the local camera store and they had some other brands, Sigma and Tamron as well as the Canon.

Here are some reviews for the Sigma and the Tamron. Upon first impression the Sigma seems like the better choice as it has a longer warranty (10 years) and a better aperture range by half a stop.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to get at is I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with these particular lenses or can share some experience with either of these lens manufacturers?
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"To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy." ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson


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