
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> If I could...

If I could...

02/04/07 8:11 PM GMT
If I could reshape the voting system and permenent galleries, here are some things I would do...

1) Lets disassemble the voting booth and make voting a voluntary thing again. However, you can't place a vote on an image without providing a comment.

2) Upload amounts: Keep the uploads as they are (without the mandatory 10 vote rule for non-cadre members).

3) Do away with the "Perms", as we know it.
New uploads stay the "New Images" category for a month. After that, they are then submitted to their appropriate category. Where they remain for a year, and then are archived.
That way, the new "permanent catagories" are continually evolving, along with the technical skills of the community and improved program functionality of the applications available. LIkewise... tastes change. What was hot and "in vogue" today, may not even get a second glance two years from now.

4) Accounts: Accounts that have been inactive for 18 months are deleted (along with their archived images), to make room for newer and more active members of the community.
0∈ [?]
I always try to balance the light with the heavy - a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes ~ Bette Midler ~ ~ (My GALLERY, such as it is.) ~ :o)


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