
Request for Comment

Discussion Board -> Request for Comment -> great comments/ lousy score

great comments/ lousy score

04/22/07 2:09 AM GMT
Ok, I've given up on trying to figure out what images get what scores, and no, a vote (high or low) doesn't determine (in my eyes) the quality of an image. I opened this image's page, and saw a score in the high40's. ok, fine. but the comments left don't match the score received. So, does this stink,and I'm just getting placated, or is someone trashing me(again) in the VB?

I know this topic has, by now, the same effect as fingernails on a blackboard. I'm a supporter of the site, and think it has great potential. At the same time, I think a certain amount of unfairness exists, and I'm less than thrilled with that. enough so to just wipe out my gallery and go "poof". In all honesty, I would've already had it not been for a handful of people here I'd sorely miss. (no, I ain't sayin who)

Dammit, I swore I wouldn't hop on a soapbox again..sorry people, but this is buggin' me.
0∈ [?]
Hi,my name is Rob..ok, so I'm not the greatest at replies and comments. Sorry. For anyone needing to contact me, my email is back up in my profile. >> my cluttered mess of a gallery


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