
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> a posting alternative...

a posting alternative...

05/25/07 9:15 PM GMT
I had an idea. It's intended for anyone with issues with the VB, comments, and any other inequity, real or perceived.

Perhaps, on a VOLUNTARY BASIS a short-term post of an arbitrary amount of time (let's say a week) after which the image would be taken down.

This would still allow some degree of sharing, input, etc..and circumvent the whole ranking issue, as well as the perm vs. archived concerns.

I had this idea after realizing two very definite things. The first, is that I enjoyed (truly) sharing my work, and on occasion, getting some helpful feedback. I say "on occasion" because compliments, while nice, aren't helpful, per se.
The second thing is that after the time I've spent without posting, I still feel the same way I did about all of the things that led me to stop in the first place.

It's been made painfully clear on a number of occasions that the site's position on these issues, or at least any expression about them is one of "oh, not again" and not "hmm, might be worth re-consideration"

Any thoughts on this are most welcomed, and maybe just maybe, this can be a thoughtful exchange of ideas, and not a barbaric free for all.
0∈ [?]


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