
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> Repeat uploading rejected or deleted image reminders.

Repeat uploading rejected or deleted image reminders.

08/27/07 10:00 AM GMT
Repeat uploading reminders.

There are several images seemingly doing the rounds at the moment that keep getting pulled by their artists and re-uploaded for no apparent reason – presumably to have another bash at the voting booth. Apart from being against the sites rules this is ultimately a pointless exercise as chances are it will receive a worse score as people will become tired of seeing the same shot appearing in the VB and you will end up getting an apathy driven score. Members are reminded that the sites policy on submitting the same image is:

‘Once an image has been uploaded to the site it should not be uploaded again unless substantial changes have been made to it. These changes should be enough so that it could be reasonable assumed that the resulting changed image would receive a better critique than the previous version.’

If you upload an image that you have altered yourself in line with this direction, remember to replace the original in your gallery with the new one either under the same section or manipulation NOT the rework gallery which is for pieces that have been taken and altered by a different member. Each gallery has a heading describing it’s intent, the rework gallery definition is:

‘This gallery contains images that have been modified or improved in some manner by another member. If you plan to submit an image to the Rework Gallery, please ensure you first obtain the original author's permission.’

Similarly, images that have been rejected for whatever reason should not be resubmitted in the hope that someone else will let it through in a moment of weakness/apathy. If you have received a rejection notification and you disagree with it, you can PM a mod and ask them as to the reasons why rather than creating forum threads querying it, as members will not be able to view the image anyway to offer a rationale.

0∈ [?]
A smart bomb is only as clever as the idiot that tells it what to do


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