
Request for Comment

Discussion Board -> Request for Comment -> What is wrong?

What is wrong?

09/24/07 7:06 PM GMT
Every now and then it happens we upload some less successful photo to this site. I would like to start a new thread where we present one of our worse uploads (low c-index, works that never advanced to the permanent gallery) asking for crtiques. It is more and more difficult to get some decent comment on the shortcomings of our photos. I feel people are afraid to express what they truly think once they watch our works. Another thing is it is very difficult to justify our critical opinions, referring to the technical aspects of the images.

I would like this thread to teaches us how to be more professional and accurate in expressing our opinions, especially the critical ones. At the same time it should be helpful to the artists who seem to be confused once their images score poorly. I am sure some helpful hints will make it clear what is to be improved.

So, who would be so kind and give me a critical line or two on one of my recent photos? And remember, you are next to present one of your works to the fault-finding public....
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Can you hear it whisper, can you hear it murmur? Are you ready to explore nature? Come on! It is thriving with colors and painted with light...


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