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One Laptop Per Child (and you)

10/08/07 2:05 PM GMT
"In November, you'll be able to buy a new laptop that's spillproof, rainproof, dustproof and drop-proof. It's fanless, it's silent and it weighs 3.2 pounds. One battery charge will power six hours of heavy activity, or 24 hours of reading. The laptop has a built-in video camera, microphone, memory-card slot, graphics tablet, gamepad controllers and a screen that rotates into a tablet configuration.

And this laptop will cost $200."

This is a program that I've watched with some interest since I first became aware of it. The basic premise: That a cheap virtually indestructible computer could be created for sale in disadvantaged nations. While originally they were hoping for a target price of $100 per, they've had to settle for $199. Still it's an amazing achievement, and while missing a few things that most of us consider necessary (cd/dvd drive, hard drive, and only runs Linux), it's got everything necessary to give a classroom of students a step up.

They've created some impressive technological and software advances also which hopefully will spill over into the rest of the pc world - and they've decided to briefly open it to the industrialized world in a "Get 1, Give 1" program - you pay $400, receive laptop and tax credit, and a student in a poor country receives the other one. article for more background and info.
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One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"


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