
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Maintaining Quality

Maintaining Quality

01/08/08 9:53 PM GMT
I have to admit that of all the challenges that has faced, maintaining a quality inventory of images is the most difficult. Originally, I would only post an image to the site once it had been on my own desktop for a while. This worked well to keep the quality high (at least from my perspective), but it certainly limited the number of images that would go on the site.

You may ask "why do we need a set of 'permanent' images?" The truth is that the majority of the site's visitors come just to get good desktop wallpaper. They never upload an image. The inventory of quality "reference" images is a way to bring in new blood and ensure that the site doesn't wither and die. It is also a testament to the maturity and history of the site.

So the problem is that we must choose these reference images out of the pool of ~100 images that are uploaded to the site every day. Furthermore, we must admit to ourselves that any such choice is going to be based on extremely subjective evaluations of each image. So it is impossible to have a "perfect" system. My objective is to only create a fair system which is good enough at picking out exemplary images. It will never be perfect.

Therefore I invite members to submit ideas on how this can be accomplished. For this discussion I ask that we put a bit more time into our suggestions by using the following numbered format:

1. Explain how the system works.

2. Explain how the system is fair (all members have an equal opportunity).

3. Explain how the system prevents abuse from both single malicious users and organized groups (as much as is possible).

4. Hypothesize on how practical the system would be. Would it be able to reject enough images? Can the decision to keep or reject an image be made in a reasonable time frame? Will the idea scale well as the number of contributors increases?

I would like to keep this discussion organized, so let's avoid simple replies of "Your idea sucks and your dog has fleas" unless it is accompanied by a well reasoned rebuttal.

Thanks, I look forward to reading through this.
0∈ [?]


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