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Lies, damn lies and statistics

05/11/08 10:38 AM GMT
It's Sunday morning, I am up early and a little bored. So, having read various posts, including Overrated, I copied the top 100 active members table and did some analysis on it. Some interesting facts emerge.

15% of the top 100 contribute 50% of the votes. This is VERY SKEWED, as they only contribute 15% of the pictures.
30% of voters contribute 75% of the votes. Also VERY SKEWED.
1 person makes up 8% of the voting, 626 votes. How can this be if there is a limit of 40 votes a day?
4 people control 20% of the votes cast!

uploads are quite even and show no particular bias. Obviously some people contribute more, but there is no skewing of the statistics as seen in the voting.

30% of the top 100 DO NOT VOTE ENOUGH!
12% of the top 100 NEVER VOTE and upload 20% of the pictures.

This is based on an analysis of my own pictures and looking at the recent posts of some of the top 20 active members, and is therefore not a valid sample, but there are some interesting facts that come out.

Of the last 10 pictures I have uploaded, only 1 person from the top 50 most active members who is not on my friends list has left a comment. This shows an obvious bias amongst members to their friends, although to be fair, of the top 20 people there is a large group of self contained friends (as seen from the comments left on each others pictures), so they probably do not have time to post outside of this group anyway.


My analysis of these results shows that there is an obvious bias in the voting system to a few members who vote a lot. Of the top voters, the majority appear to be friends - as deduced from comments left on each others pictures. The limited number of this group will - if the bias in commenting is reproduced as bias in voting - inevitably create a bias in the voting system, simply because of the large proportion of votes they wield. This bias will not be limited to self promotion, but also to one of artistic taste.

The lack of public votes in determining the content of the permanent galleries is the saving grace of the system in terms of the content of the permanent galleries. Unfortunately, the bias in the voting system is carried into the permanent galleries as the C-Index, however, since so few pictures make it through to the permanent galleries any statistical bias appears to be largely lost, except for pictures which have artistic merit but do not conform to the tastes of the major voting group. These pictures tend to languish with low CI's even in the permanent galleries.

End of analysis.

You may now start slating me.

0∈ [?]
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