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Is Critique Dead?

10/25/08 12:10 AM GMT
I can't take credit for what is to follow below this preamble:

I created this thread in response to some rumblings as of late.

Forgive me the use of that word ... 'rumblings' in particular, that is.

For some it goes deeper than that. And for some ... there is an unawareness of the current state of affairs.

Consider this then, a Caedesian public servic.. ... no, strike that ... this is not an official statement or release from the administrative side. These are my own personal feelings. And no single individual was in mind when the impetus struck to create this thread.

Found this article on ... of all places ...

No slight against anyone that might be a member of dA.

Simply stated, it seems as though some problems of what happens and occurs on art sites are universal. Bigger, in terms of membership, does not insulate an art site from 'problems'. Nor, the converse.

The article is a well-articulated and thoughtfully expressed opinion ... that employed a lot of insight and foresight (in my humble opinion).

Here is the food for thought:

"1) When was the last time you received a comment on an image, or your gallery that gave a reason why the commenter thought it was good or bad?

2) When did someone tell you how your work made them feel?

3) When did someone last try to explain the significance of your work or it's meaning?

4) When was the last time someone suggested improvements, or offered constructive criticism?

5) How ofen is constructive criticism followed by a barrage of abuse?

6) Why does both astounding and poor artwork by popular artists receive more of a glowing response than good artwork by relative unknowns?

7) When did * stop being an art community and become a school-playground?"

*Reference changed/edited from the original content found in the article.

I encourage all of you to visit the author's article page ... here.

And read more for yourself to see what and what you don't recognize occurring on our beloved site here.

And ask yourself ... what is the end result ... if these behaviours were to continue.

As well, and lastly ... 'critique' for me, took on some other dimensions.

It was not only about the 'good, bad and possible improvements'.

Came to understand and appreciate how in reading comments, wherein the commenter expressed the way that a piece touched them, influenced them ... could be added to the acceptable levels of 'critiques'.

Creating and posting work, where a dialogue of sorts is initiated/results between that of the viewer and artist ... is indeed a fruitful one.

Feel free to add your thoughts ... with one caveat ... play nice, please. Thank you.
0∈ [?]
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi


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