
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Modification to the Voting and Upload system

Modification to the Voting and Upload system

03/14/09 11:05 PM GMT
I made some changes to the Upload and voting booth today. Now, if you wish for your image to appear in the voting booth and get a c-index, you will have to vote on 10 images. This goes for those in the Cadre as well. You do not have to vote on any images in order to upload an image. Your uploaded image will just not be voted on and will not get a c-index. When you view the "step #1" upload page, you will be notified if you have voted enough to allow the image to appear in the voting booth.

This will effectively allow people to decide whether they wish to participate in the voting booth and c-index system.
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