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Why Women live longer than men

11/27/04 6:35 PM GMT
Im thinking to start up a new little contest/joke thing here. Today I got the funniest email and thought I would share with some of you. But heres what else I was thinking. As you can see, the topic must mean something. Im putting together a little mock-contest for whoever wants to try for it. Try and take a picture of why Women live longer than men. It can be humorous, serious, or just plain weird, just keep it inside the censorship.

If you don't exactly understand what I'm saying, look at the email I got that "inspired" the thought. ----» Link to Yahoo|
The link to the example will lead to an email. The User name and password are as followed...

Sign in using the email user and password on Yahoo and find the email. (should only be one email.)
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'-"I see", said the blind man to the deaf mute.' My recent gallery....... Select Image-» Typical Texas Sunset.


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