
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> Is Critique Dead? - Part V

Is Critique Dead? - Part V

04/09/10 4:50 AM GMT
Well, do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Doesn't matter. There is no good news.

Kind of, sort of. 'Cause ...

There I was, hoping to watch a new episode of "The Office" this evening, almost now passed. Amidst the strange ranglings and shifts in scheduling this year due to the Olympics for one, and then ... RERUNS. Possible changes on the writing staff ... as with only the last couple of episodes has the series gotten back on track (you know, in my humble opinion).

Thought for sure that I would be sitting down to watch a new episode. Was looking forward to it alllll day, as a matter of fact. But ...

No. Yet, another rerun. Ho ... hum. So ...

Guess what I did with that time? And can you believe it? This all ties in with 'critiquing' art. (I know, right?)

Anyways, one of the actors and writers of the series, namely that of B. J. Novak who plays the role of Ryan Bailey Howard in the show ... has an interesting blog. Found here:

If you go to the top right-hand side linkage stuff. You can find photos submitted by the followers of his blog, and then ... his 'critiques'.

Conversely, as in the linked page to follow, 'Ryan' has submitted one of his own photos. For 'critique'. This one:

"Sunrise? Sunset?"

Here is the 'artist's response' ... to a 'critique' placed on same said ... photo:

"The Artist Responds III"

And who said 'critiquing' was a dying art?

Not moi.

Nor, 'Ryan'; aka B.J. Novak.

p.s. Check out the other links found under "Links" (again, right-hand side). Some cool cool stuff.
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"There is always something waiting at the end of the road ... if you're not willing to see what it is ... you probably shouldn't be out there in the first place."


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