
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> Linking Yes or No votes in the CAC to commenting on the photo you vote on. No comment, no vote registered.

Linking Yes or No votes in the CAC to commenting on the photo you vote on. No comment, no vote registered.

10/20/10 5:15 PM GMT
Thinking about the new nomination and voting process for the CAC/Perms. Is there any way (Software wise.) to make it mandatory for someone voting on a nominated image to make a comment on the photo? Just a thought. If someone votes yes or no, which the mods will obviously know, and that vote can be measured against what the voter SAYS about the image and what the Mods consider is true about the image, that might make the process of weighing "fair and consistent" voting patterns a bit more straight forward. It would also mean that each image nominated would have a series of hopefully thoughtful critiques under it. Maybe also it would encourage voters to really think about their vote because they are also having to demonstrate that they have thought, in words, under the image. The artist may not know that comment is about the voters voting but the mods will. Perhaps more people, who can't be bothered really thinking about their vote, will use the abstain button (Because they won't have anything to say if they haven't really thought about the image and if they do consistently just say "I like this" the mods can fairly weight their voting framework.) and perhaps this might increase the substantive nature of the consideration given to the decision by those who DO vote. It might also mean there would be a slow accumulation of learned wisdom shared in the comments under Perm Gallery images that might help people understand what it is they are seeing. WHY it works, not just "that" it works. Education, you know.
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