
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> A Problem

A Problem

12/27/10 3:40 PM GMT
This seems like a catch-22 issue to me. If we have to vote on ten images for our own uploads to be accessible to be voted on, but the VB tells you that there are no images to vote on, how can there be more images to vote on if we can't upload any for voting? Maybe remove the restriction for voting ten images?

Yes, I know there are fewer images because of the holidays, but I can't even go back to images I did vote on to see them again until more images are uploaded.

I was just told that I would have to vote on three more images in order for my image to be voted on, but I can't get any images to vote on! Frustrating and rather silly too.
0∈ [?]
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