
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> Why the AC is difficult.

Why the AC is difficult.

02/17/11 4:31 AM GMT
I now have the privilege of voting images as an Art Council member. I am very happy to have this privilege. There are several reasons why this honor is also a difficult situation. Let's assume (this did happen) that a certain image is presented to me. It's one that I think is excellent. So I go to the permanent gallery and see 3 that are just like it. It's hard to say yes, include it (because I think it's good) or no, don't include it (because it's redundant). I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. If you look at photography (perms) and organize the images by date, you will see the redundancy of some images. Is this a problem?
0∈ [?]
AVATAR BY PJ............... i've been so bad about commenting on your photos. believe me when i say i look at them all. feel free to NOT comment on mine. Please Visit My Gallery


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