
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> Promotions & Rejections

Promotions & Rejections

02/20/11 2:57 PM GMT
I mentioned in another discussion that one or my notified 'promoted' images was not in fact promoted, or if it had been very soon was not. I said it felt like a poke in the eye. I thought it was just the one.

I have since checked my caedes control.

Since October 26th 2010 I have had ELEVEN notifications of promotions by the Art Council that either never made it to the Main Galleries or have since been culled. I was amazed to discover this - I can not see anything glaringly obviously wrong with them. I was aware that not all images 'make it' and have no disagreement with that and I have said more then once that I am in favour of moderator intervention before the final placemnents in the Main Galleries but this seems a large number of rejections, and if there is good reason for them I would really like to know what they are.
Eleven pokes in the eye !

I do not see the point in bothering to nominate or vote on images any more if the results count for so little and the opinions of the AC members are given so little credence. The people who nominated and voted for these pictures wasted their time, and I am wasting my time nominating and voting on others, as I presume the same thing happens to other members.

Apart from that, it is actually quite hurtful to discover this.
Eleven times feeling pleased and elated - for nothing.

PLEASE PLEASE mods do not notify us of promotions until you have evaluated them and made up your minds, and rejected duplicates and whatever else you do to decide.
It is insulting to receive a promotion notification that is not valid.
It is also insulting to those who nominate and vote that their opinions are so undervalued.

I do understand that the notifications are most likely automated - perhaps something could be done to delay them being sent until the images actually get their 'Main' labels and get placed in the Main Galleries. Frustration about this issue has been seen in other discussions and now I understand why - and I am fully aware that I may be seen as a moaning minnie - but I do feel strongly about this, and really believe that until there is a 'fix' for it the feelings of annoyance and hurt among members will grow.

3∈ [?]
My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust . . . . The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress." ~ Joseph Joubert (1754-1824)


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