
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Reward systems

Reward systems

03/05/05 11:50 AM GMT
Good morning

During a most interesting discussion on the quality of images, the use of reward systems was brought up. A request was made that I post my thoughts on this in a separate thread. I work on the principle that once an idea has been voiced, it is no longer the property of the person who spoke but the property of everyone, free to be dissected, analysed, broken apart and reassembled in another form if needed. So feel free. To get the full context, just pop over to "The Old Classics".

To quote my words in the other thread:

As for the point made by Caedes, I can only say what you already know - there are no easy answers. Caedes is only one place that is struggling with similar questions. Klas made a good point in addition to that about snapshot policy - the reward system. Perhaps an official reward system could be put in place for those that consistently leave quality comments on images, but this may (ok, ok, will) be unweildy in practice. Another variation on this could be to leave positive feedback on the profile of a person when it is seen that they have given good feedback to the artist, and any of us can do that - a way of encouraging quality comments. Perhaps something like "I read your comments on such and such an image. I found these well structured and helpful to, not only the artist who contributed the image but also to others who view this image. Keep up the good work." This might then result in less glowing comments appearing on poor quality images.

The floor is open <theatrical passage of hand across front till arm extended to right, palm upmost, indicating direction of floor>
0∈ [?]
Success is found by having the courage to let go of known shores.


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