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Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> Membership at Work - Take Three

Membership at Work - Take Three

03/26/11 3:16 PM GMT
Taken from the "Suggestions Poll":

'Voting booth score based on several factors, instead of just one.'

'More realistic C-index.'

Comments/postings (or parts), taken from the "Suggestions Poll" discussion thread:

"I'd ask for split voting categories (aesthetic, technical, artistic) as opposed to one arbitrary number."

"I'd second the suggestion that voting be categorized with possibly some of the following categories: Aesthetics, technical quality, creativity, comment quantity, Wow factor, etc. The over all score would be the average from the above."

"I'd suggest a total of the category values, instead of their average."

Possible categories for consideration:

Exposure - Images should be properly exposed. All pertinent detail should be clearly visible. The image should be free of blown highlights and dark spots. Blown highlights and dark spots should not be confused with areas of white and black that are essential to an image; high key, noir, and harsh lighting contrast are acceptable, but must be executed effectively.

Color - Images should use color effectively. Images will be judged on white balance, judicious use of color, freedom from distracting color elements, etc. In the case of Black and White images, this category will be scored based on the technical expertise of the black and white conversion and the aesthetic of the tonal variations within the image.

Contrast - Images should make effective use of contrast. This includes contrast in both visual and thematic elements.

Focus and Bokeh - Images should be in focus. The focal point should be placed on the subject. Effective use of depth of field and bokeh, or artistic quality of the out of focus areas of the image will also apply to this category.

Framing and Crop - Images should be well cropped. The rule of thirds, the golden spiral, aspect ratio, and both positive and negative space will be considered. You are not limited to the 2x3 or 3x4 ratio captured by your camera.

Composition - Images should demonstrate good composition, for the purposes of scoring, this category refers to the organization of the elements within the photo. Symmetry, asymmetry, placement of images, and the effective use of foreground and background elements will be considered.

Kenesthesis - Images should exhibit an effective use of movement, either through the emulation of movement within the still image, or by the tension exhibited by stillness.

Artistry - Images will be judged on overall artistic merit.

Originality - You are encouraged to think outside the box.. or rather, ignore the box. In fact, there is no box. This aspect/factor reflects originality and innovative thinking.

Desktop/Wallpaper Suitability.

Scoring for each individual category from 1 - 10. Either a straight sum, or that of an average. Or, some other permutation.

Depending on the agreed upon/arrived at calculation/permutation of the 'final score'/tally ... if that number falls below a predetermined number, 'you', the voter are then required to provide a short comment.

Don't comment in that instance?

Score doesn't count/not assigned ... and is thrown out.

Start over, if 'you' wish to participate in the Voting Booth and in turn, receive a scoring on your own uploaded images.

/\ Too much stuff?

Most likely.. so.


Courtesy of Rob; aka third_eye, and I quote;

"If I might offer a bit of paring-down advice for your categories, and generalize them a bit for more of a one-size-fits-all application,

I'd recommend no more than three or four vote categories. The poll item you quoted was mine, after all. ;-)

Technical: was the media (photography, CG, etc) used and applied to a certain level of quality? This encompasses a broad spectrum of aspects. Contrast, color, editing, render, etc can all be considered here.

Artistic: ok, the sky is blue, the flower is in focus, the render doesn't look like a hack job pasted together with elmer's glue. But does it 'do' anything for the viewer? Was a shred of creativity applied, or was this made without a soul? Does it inspire thought, or emotion?

Aesthetic: is it 'pretty'? Would you hang it's printed equivalent over the mantle? Or would it be hidden away in the guest bathroom?



Any other ideas, if 'you' wish to see a change on the fronts of scoring/voting?
0∈ [?]


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