
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> Comparison Booth?

Comparison Booth?

07/26/11 11:42 AM GMT
After reading the discussion thread Variations yesterday, I thought of a possible alternative to the Voting Booth.

Instead of giving scores to images, we could be offered random pairs of images. We pick one, saying "I like this one best". It wouldn't mean we don't like the other; just that we don't like it as much as the image we chose.

It would be more meaningful if the computer only let us compare like with like… in general, separating photos from CGI. That way, if there are those who rarely give anything other than a 0, 10 (or whatever) to certain genres, (or even to popular subjects like sunsets and flowers), they still have to say "well, this one's better than that one…" which is more information than we were getting before.

The computer should keep the pairs mixed up, and not keep offering the same two images to different people. :-)

Eventually, perhaps, some images would gather more points than others. It could mean that images currently withheld from the voting booth are still considered for inclusion on the home page (unless also withheld from this comparison system).

It might even (dare I say it) give more and better possibilities than the nomination button.

The two systems (Voting Booth and Comparison) could be run side by side for a while, and results compared…

I'm not saying this a perfect idea; perhaps the results would be too chaotic, or it would mean too much work setting it up... just that it's a possible alternative if you're looking for one. :-)
1∈ [?]


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