
Member-Initiated Projects

Discussion Board -> Member-Initiated Projects -> The voting booth

The voting booth

08/05/11 4:21 PM GMT
Is there anyway we can get rid of the voting booth..I have had a number of my friends asking me why do people give a 0ne or a zero to a perfectly good image..I wouldn't dream of giving such a mark,It's totally degrading.Better to not vote at all..It is my belief whoever does this,Does it in the hope that their image will get a higher ranking..I know for a fact,Certain members do not view fullscreen,Only waiting for the page header to load,Then closing it before the full image appears in order to get their own into the voting booth..Is there any way of stopping this?..At first I was an advocate of the voting booth,Now owing to it's misuse,I'm not..Many members have voiced discontent at the system and now I have included mine....Richie.
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