
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Too many landscapes

Too many landscapes

09/04/11 9:49 PM GMT
The main galleries seem to be quickly filling up with the same sorts of images... out of 36 images on the first page, 22 are landscape photographs; mainly mountains, lakes and waterfalls. Obviously these type of shots are very appealing but do we really want the main galleries to be so repetitive? Landscapes aren't the only type of shot that seems to be over represented either... if you throw in flowers, butterflies and hummingbirds there seems to be little else that is being nominated/promoted. Out of those same 36 images, there are only 9 that do not fall into the categories listed above.

Remember that the mains are supposed to show examples of EXCEPTIONAL imagery... if you are nominating several shots of mountains, waterfalls and butterflies a month, can those shots really be called exceptional? (and I do think that the responsibility really lies at the nomination stage, more than the voting, though perhaps people do need to be more discriminating with what they are saying yes to there also).

The AC has been in place long enough now that I think it has moved beyond the trial stage and we need to decide whether it is going to continue in this vein or whether we are going to up the stakes in terms of what is exceptional and what is just "very good"... it doesn't actually bother me that much if the majority decides that it is working fine as it is (since I don't really look much any more) but it seems a shame for the site if the mains just become a ho-hum collection of "nice" photographs...
11∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-


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