
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> God Bless The Child

God Bless The Child

12/19/12 6:54 AM GMT
Why was my image 'God Bless The Child' rejected? I received the following message about it:

Your recently uploaded image (God Bless The Child) has been rejected by an ImageMod.

Your image was rejected due to a violation of the Caedes Code of Conduct. I advise you review the Code of Conduct so there will be no misunderstandings in the future. If you have any questions, feel free to message an Image Moderator. We will be more than happy to clear up anything you are not sure about. Thanks.

I reviewed the code and still don't see what I did wrong. The only thing I can possibly think is some question about the framing? If more info were required as to how the framing was done why not ask for more info and put the image temporarily in limbo instead of just outright rejecting it?

And why doesn't the particular image mod who rejected it identify themselves so I know just who to ask more about this...instead of me sending out PM's to all the mods who may or may not be available at this time or know anything about it?
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