
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> Image doesn't show-up

Image doesn't show-up

05/08/14 10:51 AM GMT
Like to report that when I try to view a new announced image from my friends-list, sometimes (randomly) the image doesn't appear on my screen. I only see a bar with the text: 'Click here to view at full resolution.' When I do so, a wider window appears but without an image as well.

I've three computers: 1. a W-7 desktop with IE-browser; 2. a Linux desktop with Firefox-browser and; 3. a W-Vista laptop with Firefox-browser. With respect to the same posting, all three are dealing at the same time with the same problem, indicating that it may be a Caedes-server problem or a problem caused by my provider.

When I try it later again, most of the times, the problem with respect to this posting has disappeared but appears often with another posting.

I've understood by some PM's of my Caedes-friends that they are dealing from time to time with the same problem. This makes the conclusion reasonable that the only remaining option is the Caedes-server!

I realize very well that such a problem is very hard to resolve, but if everyone stays silent, the situation will be never resolved/improved.

Regards, Cornelius.
0∈ [?]
Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.


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