
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> Caedes is a shadow of it's former self

Caedes is a shadow of it's former self

07/27/14 9:44 PM GMT
This article is posted to help regenerate site growth through discussion, & everyone is welcome the more the better. It is not designed to inflame management or anyone else. Naturally I want management to take an active role here because without them nothing can be done, & this thread will be a waste of time!

I first joined Caedes as member philflossman after a friend Simon Wildgoose introduced me to it. At first I simply started commentating on the amazing images (o: the site had an awful lot of active talented artists then. It was 2007 I still had my old film SLR, & felt encouraged to take shots again, & simply scanned the prints to the PC with just one basic image editor. To cut a long story short the first results were awful but artists took me under their wing, & gently led me forward, a year later I bought my first digital bridge camera, & changed my username to gonedigital there was still essential techniques to learn, & artists continued to inspire me through their dazzling uploads, & helpful critique. Those days are just memories now, & practically all those helpful talented artists have long gone. )o:

Caedes doesn't record, & publish "user online" stats to us but despite this anyone who's been here more than three years know they've dramatically dropped, while all the excellent / professional photographers seem to have gone. I could mention many but shall not unless asked later. Another point worth mentioning is in the earlier years we had younger artists but today it seems the average age is perhaps fifty five plus.

This site has been slowly dying for years, & the only mention of it is in old threads posted by none active artists *caedes appears indifferent, & needs to show us he still loves his baby, unless this downward trend is stopped Caedes will not only be history to none active artists but to the www as well.

Are you content to see Caedes deteriorate further, losing more valued friends, & seeing site traffic reduce to a slow trickle? or do you still love what it used to be like like me? Please help save Caedes before it's too late, & enter this important discussion now, all input will be useful. (o:

6∈ [?]


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