
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Image of the Week - Coming Soon to a Caedes Near you!

Image of the Week - Coming Soon to a Caedes Near you!

02/01/19 4:08 PM GMT
Hi all - The mods have discussed how we'd like to implement this (at least those of us who are available to participate in running it right now), and this is how we've decided to structure the feature:


��I will post a thread here every week for that week's eligible images.

��Eligible images will be anything that has been uploaded from 12:00 am (0000 hours) Monday morning to Sunday evening 11:59 pm (2359 hours) EST time.

��Nominations will be open from 12:00 am (0000 hours) Monday morning to Tuesday 8 pm (2000 hours) EST for the previous week's images.

��You can either post your nomination in the thread, or send it to myself, Mimi, or Piner in a pm.

��At about 10 am (1000 hours) EST time Wednesday morning, I'll update the thread to announce the selected image.

The first eligible images will be those uploaded for this coming week: Monday 2/4 through Sunday 2/10! (Unbelievably, I had to look at the calendar 3 times to make sure I posted that right and didn't attach the wrong date to the wrong day... my brain may have started the weekend already...)


Any questions?
0∈ [?]
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult...


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