
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Image of the Week 05/06 to 05/12

Image of the Week 05/06 to 05/12

05/13/19 2:19 PM GMT
Update! Where Should I Stop by Starglow has been selected as this week's Image of the Week!

This is an image where the application of a filter allowed everything in the background to soften, muting the harshness of the age of the signs as well as the clutter in the distance; but the words were still clearly readable. This allows the viewer to focus solely on the signs which were very popular back 'in the day'. This entire image evokes nostalgia for many who remember some of these signs. Very tasteful and well done.

We must give an honorable mention to Carolina Churches

Such a beautiful pastoral image taken with a drone. Photography climbs to newer heights.

I know we pick only one but sometimes, another simply requires the mention because this is what it makes it pleasantly tough to choose!


Nominations are now open for all images uploaded between 12 am (0000 hours) EST on 05/06 (Free Ride 2) to 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) EST on 05/12 (Grassland Pupper). Nominations will remain open until 8 pm (2000 hours) EST on 05/14.

To nominate an image, either post your nomination here or PM myself, Mimi, or Piner.

On Weds 05/15, this thread will be updated with the image selected as the standout of the week!
2∈ [?]
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult...


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