
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Image of the week 05/13 to 05/19

Image of the week 05/13 to 05/19

05/20/19 2:13 PM GMT
Just Born by corngrowth has been selected as this week's image of the week!

This shot stands out for the uniqueness of the moment. The artist's sensitivity in cleaning up the scene makes it easier to appreciate all the aspects he captured here in one shot. The newborn lamb's search for food and while its sibling seeks comfort. Mom's protectiveness and care. The framing of this family unit surrounded by open field helps to show the emotional closeness of the ewe and her lambs. With a little surprise waiting if you take a moment to count the legs... there's a 3rd lamb in there nursing as well!


Nominations are now open for all images uploaded between 12 am (0000 hours) EST on 05/13 (Cruising) to 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) EST on 05/19 (Dunning's Springs, May 19, 2019). Nominations will remain open until 8 pm (2000 hours) EST on 05/21.

To nominate an image, either post your nomination here or PM myself, Mimi, or Piner.

On Weds 05/23, this thread will be updated with the image selected as the standout of the week!
5∈ [?]
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult...


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