
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Image of the Week 08/19 to 08/25

Image of the Week 08/19 to 08/25

08/26/19 4:30 PM GMT
A Bee's Work by Roseman_Stan has been selected as this week's image of the week!

A very nice capture of the bee interacting with the flower and not simply perched on it. Superb detail visible of the bee from its "fur" to the glistening of its wing. For added interest, the lush color of the flower against the muted background creates levels of focus beyond the contrast of the well-defined detail of the foreground and the softening of the backdrop.

Honorable mention goes to Sunny by trixxie17. The dark color of the leaves against the wide open flowers provides a nice contrast and combination of colors that is not usually found in images of flowers.


With apologies for the late posting - that pesky real-life thing got in the way again. I desperately need a job that will pay me to hang around and goof off all day.

Nominations are now open for all images uploaded between 12 am (0000 hours) EST on 08/19 (Parsec Parcel) to 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) EST on 08/25 (Indian Blanket flowers & Mexican Hat flowers). Nominations will remain open until 8 pm (2000 hours) EST on 08/27.

To nominate a maximum of 2 images, either post your nominations here or PM myself, Mimi, or Piner.

On Thurs 08/29, this thread will be updated with the image selected as the standout of the week!
5∈ [?]
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult...


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