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Positive voting guidelines

09/19/05 8:46 PM GMT
Art means different things to different people. It’s only natural that we will have different opinions about different images. With the new voting system you might be exposed to images in a genre that you aren’t familiar with, and it might be difficult for you to decide on a vote to give.

We have compiled a brief list of tips on voting to help improve your voting skills.

Be objective and be fair. Don’t simply vote a 0 because you are having a bad day, or feel that you just want to get the voting done. You won’t appreciate it if people give your images a bad vote without reason, so don’t do it to others.

Look at the image from both a technical (how difficult was it to create, what skills was used etc.) and artistic point of view (what does the image say, how does it make you feel etc.).

The technical aspects will differ from genre to genre. So if you have experience in that genre, you’ll know what it’s all about and which criteria to use.

However you don’t need to be a photographer or digital artist to be able to vote on images of that type. If you don’t have the technical expertise, consider the image for it’s artistic merit and vote accordingly.

In essence this can be viewed as:
Do you enjoy the image?
Was time and effort taken to create the image or is it simply a quick snapshot
Does the image have a story to tell, does it touch you somehow?
Is the image of high quality?
How difficult was it to create?

Voting Scale
With all that taken into consideration you can now think about assigning a mark.
The current scale works as follows.
0 - The worst possible rating. The author didn’t take any effort, and might just as well snap or draw an image in a dark room.
5 - The image is average. Almost anyone will be able to create something of similar value. It doesn’t have much appeal to you.
10 – This is an exceptional image. Professional quality, lots of time and effort went into it. This is an image you would be proud to hang on your walls.

Using those three scores as guidelines you can assign the score of your choice to the image.

Remember, the success of the voting system and the meaningfulness of the ratings rests on your ability to be fair and objective. By doing your best to assign meaningful values to the images you will helping to find and showcase exceptional images, and to help upcoming artists refine their art. It’s in your hands…

[This is a first draft and will be refined. If you have suggestions or comments feel free to share them]
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