
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> oopss


10/05/05 5:30 PM GMT
I want to preface this topic by making it known that I am extremely computer illiterate. I recently joined something called, "Myspace". It is a website where you can have your own profile and network with millions of other users. I had seen people with cool backgrounds, images and wallpapers, and I wanted to customize my own profile as well. I found through a yahoo search when I typed in, "wallpapers". I found an image I really liked, and my boyfriend showed me how to link it to my profile page. Everything seemed like it was going well, the image showed up on my page and then I left it alone. This morning I signed onto and looked at my profile and the background said, "THIS IMAGE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! CAEDES.NET!". My boyfriend then informed me that I had illegally "pirated" an image. I didn't know what I was doing and I feel bad... I registered as a user here at and I'm willing to pay to use the image as wallpaper on my profile. I need some advice on what to do! Please help!!

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