
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> "I like this image!" - Voting Alternative -

"I like this image!" - Voting Alternative -

10/09/05 4:23 PM GMT

I don't really want to start up another thread on voting. That rag's been rung dry and the cost to the site has been great. This thread, however, is sufficiently close that it may just earn me a 48 hour banning. If it does I will restrain myself voluntarily or accept any reasonable sanctions without issue.

I have offered this suggestion in other forms but thought I'd float a specific thread on it for feedback from the group. You can see it as a replacement for voting or as an adjunct as you see fit.

People want to know if their art (photo/other) is pleasing to others. Voting provided a means of conveying this by degree. In the end, the measurement degree doesn't matter if the fact that 'the viewer liked it' is conveyed.

Provide a means by which viewers can simply click a button indicating "I like this image". Doing so will increase a counter on the image intended to represent the number of people who "liked" the image. If, after sufficient time has passed and the count is high, this could be used as an indicator to the ImageMods that the image MIGHT be a keeper and s/b promoted to permanent galleries. If the viewer has the interest they can certainly continue to comment as usual to define what "I liked the image" means in words or to offer suggestions/critique as usual.

What will this accomplish?
It will remove the power from low/revenge/attack voters while providing an indicator of the site-value of the image from the viewers perspective. The # of downloads/views is really no indication. I've downloaded many images that I would not say "I liked". I know my way around statistics .. some don't. This measure, however, is easily understood and the calculation of same need not be complicated nor veiled.

What will this avoid?
There's no way to negate the opinion of the viewers who choose to indicate they "liked" the image. You either click the button .. or you don't. If you don't like the image .. just leave the button alone. If you're indifferent about the image, just leave the button alone. If you feel you need to comment on the image, then do so. Your words will be attributed to you as they are now. The only way to black-ball an image is by comment. You can only comment with attribution. This removes the veil of secrecy that low/revenge/attack voters hide behind. It will also help people like me who have NO business judging other peoples works, be that photography, drawings or fractals. What do I know? I'm just a schlepper with an itchy finger who occasionally squeezes off an acceptable picture. Who am I to tell someone that their photo is a 10 or a 5 or a 3? I CAN tell them that I like it though.. and stand behind it. If I don't .. I just wouldn't click the button. I think the majority of the members/guests are with me in the sub-expert category, or should be.

Would you rather see a count that 150 viewers liked your image or a c-index of 6? Hmmm.

Ok.. that's about all this rant can hold. Your thoughts/feedback is encouraged in this forum.



0∈ [?]
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