
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> voting


10/11/05 12:09 AM GMT
I have just been to the random voting section in order to upload an image and the image that I have been asked to vote on is the same one as last time I had to vote, do I vote on it again? and if so is that not giving a false indication of the quality of the image to the artist .... eg if I really like the image and vote high or if I dislike the image and vote low ... twice
Also I am of the opinion that being asked to vote on ten images is a bit much ... the photos are great but I am not a photographer and to be fair to the creators of these photos I find it very hard to be critical
I am a firm believer that the rules set by the mods should be adhered to but at the same time I would not like to lead people astray with my ignorance of quality
0∈ [?]


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