
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> ---Comment Reciprocation...?---

---Comment Reciprocation...?---

11/02/05 12:35 AM GMT
A dozen other people have probably had this idea too...but aw well, I'm sorry if I'm repeating someone! bout if when someone comments on one of your photos...instead of just saying "thanks" in their little personal section...why doesn't everyone say thanks by commenting on a photo that they like in their gallery?! (I don't know if anyone has noticed...but if you comment on one of my photos I usually try to say thanks by commenting on one of your photos, or by saying thanks like normal AND commenting on a photo.) There doesn't have to be a rule about it or anything, and no one needs to do it all the time....but I think if people generally said thanks by commenting on a photo, it would increase the feedback everyone gets! And it would encourage people to comment on new images because then they would get more feedback in return...

Just an idea. =)

0∈ [?]
Hey guys...check out my Gallery! I would appreciate your comments and advice! =)


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