
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> the more I post...

the more I post...

11/08/05 9:46 PM GMT
Doesn't matter if I post or not, I never get more then 2 pages in my album.
every time caedes skips 3 images.
I know you can't efford to much webspace.....but some people have 5 pages.
whats going on....yesterdays good images are worth nothing anymore today.
This actually not help me much to stay and believe things get better over here.
In m.h.o. with these new voting booth sytem a lot of the fun dissapeared.
Lots of serious artist here am I.
If this is the new kind of caedes I am out.
I liked it a lot around here...I liked the comment from others...but step by step fun dissapears.
Like for instant... voting on Fractals in the voting booth...I have to...but don't understand anything of the proces of making fractals...So how on earth can I say if something is good or not.
Let people who know vote on them...and I will whenever I really get attracted to one.
In general I don't like to do things which I don't choose Why should I do so here.
Why should anyone who gets here for fun in his/her sparetime do anything he/she doesn't ask for?
How long...till any serious artist here clears his/her album?
In m.h.o. its slowly time to change to an other sytem, maybe the old one, maybe a different one.
I suggest caedes ask all its members how they think about todays sytem.
Let the artist vote which system they prefer.
0∈ [?]
"pleasure in life you get by giving". You are welcom to visit my gallery


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