

Discussion Board -> Photography -> Photographers in the Video medium

Photographers in the Video medium

11/09/05 10:37 PM GMT
Directors Label Series:

This project actually highlights different directors from various backgrounds, so it's only natural that they included a couple of photographers in the list. Anton Corbijn, one of the most popular rock photographers, and Stephane Sednaoui, a prime fashion photographer, have both worked extensively in videos, and it's interesting to see a photographers take on another form of visual art.

Anyone else have some of the DVDs in this series? I picked up the first box set about a month ago, and I swear I'm still one of the only people I know that has this series. I found out originally through a Palm Pictures promotion at Universal -- some other great visual artists connected to the project: Michel Gondry, Jonathan Glazer, Mark Romanek...

Highly recommended, especially the first two I named because of the photographic aspect of the videos (hence the term picturesque).
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